This is work made in Berlin in 2017 - the drawings are combined with rubbings taken from bronze plates on Gleis 17 (Platform 17) of the Grunewald train station in Berlin. Gleis 17 is a monument to the 1000s of Jews deported to concentration camps from this train station during WWII. Each plate documents the number of people exported on a particular date and their destinations, the infamous concentration camps. On three plates and dates, the destination was unknown - in German "Unbekannt."
During my sojourn in Berlin, it was also the time when thousands of people were fleeing for their lives from war in their homelands in the Middle East and traveling by foot through Europe in search of refuge and, although not being forcibly exported to death camps as the Jews were, many did not survive and, for the rest, their destinations and fates were also unknown to them - "ihnen unbekannt."